As we approach the the beginning of 2013, our thoughts frequently turn to personal goals and resolutions for the upcoming year. We spend time reflecting on what has gone well, and what hasn't, and then we develop plans to affect positive change.
One of the great things about school, is that we don't necessarily have to wait for a new "school" year to make changes, or address challenges. In fact, we probably shouldn't. Each quarter (sometimes even each week, or each day) offers an opportunity for a fresh start. It is pretty easy to adopt an attitude that "next year will be different," but if something doesn't seem to be working, it is reasonable, and preferable, to take steps to improve the
As a teacher, I can remember one year in particular, when I really struggled with the management of a couple groups of students. These classes really put a dent in my self-confidence, forced me to change plans frequently, and generally made my days a struggle. This certainly wasn't the only time that I had challenges, but it stands out. It was about this time of the school year (December), that my frustration got the best of me and I sought the advice of a veteran teacher on our campus. I remember she told me that it might be time to hit the "restart" button--time to identify the 3-5 things that really bothered me, and then work with my classes on a fresh start to address those concerns. I won't say it was perfect, but I can remember making changes (particularly to the way we started class), that made a significant difference in the climate of our well as my attitude toward school.
If this sounds familiar to you...if you have a class (or five) that seems to be wearing you out, I would encourage you to spend some time reflecting on what isn't working and try something different. Don't wait until next school year. I would suggest you take the advice I was given and choose 3-5 things that really bother, and go to work on those challenges. You don't have to start from scratch, but make enough changes that students see a noticeable difference. For example, you might change the way students enter the classroom (i.e. lining up at the door and shaking hands), or begin the period with a few minutes of classical music as students settle in and begin their warm-up.
Please don't hesitate to ask for advice from a trusted colleague, or seek assistance from the administrative staff. While we don't profess to have the answers, we will gladly assist in brainstorming ideas and providing supports as you implement change.
As you consider possible adjustments to your classroom routines and procedures, here are a few resources that might be helpful:
Ten Ways to Deal With a Hard Year - blog post by John T. Spencer
When A “Good” Class Goes “Bad” (And Back To “Good” Again!) - blog post by Larry Ferlazzo
Discipline with Dignity: New Challenges, New Solutions - book by Richard Curwin and Allen Mendler
Discipline with Dignity for Challenging Youth - book by Allen N. Mendler
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Celebrating Success!
cc flickr photo ktvee |
I believe it is human nature to allow our focus to drift toward the challenges and frustrations in our lives. I also believe it is a more significant struggle for educators because we are problem solvers...and in order to solve problems, you have to spend a lot of time in the "muck and mire", so to speak. When the problems become too complex, too many in number, or too emotional...stress levels rise and our ability to be optimistic becomes overwhelmed. I know, because it happens to me more often than I care to admit.
So as we wrap-up a quarter that I know has been very taxing, I want to challenge you to spend a few minutes celebrating the positives...the things that have gone right. Each one of you have accomplished a great deal this quarter, and as I mentioned at the beginning of the school make a difference! Don't fall into the trap of equating success with perfection -- it is far to easy to follow examples of progress with a "but" -- but, it needs improvement...but, it isn't working quite right...but, it would be better if..., etc. A vigilant eye toward improvement is a hallmark of successful people/organizations, but be sure you take time to consider progress and celebrate success as the opportunities arise.
I am confident that each and every one of you have had a hand in many of the following first quarter "wins." Be proud of what you have accomplished!
- Implementation of a Connections class to help foster effective relationships
- Better understanding of the new evaluation instrument adopted by the district
- Social studies teachers teaching language arts standards
- More students smiling and saying hello
- A great group of new staff members who have jumped right in as advocates for our students
- Integration of technology tools to improve student learning
- Patience...with students, colleagues, administration and district
- Teachers changing grade levels, or curriculum, and meeting the challenge with passion and intensity
- Organized opportunities for our students to interact with students from a feeder elementary school
- A willingness to learn and try new things
- A new found ability to send and read e-mail in Outlook :)
- Initiation of an after-school homework program that has consistently drawn large numbers of students
- As always, a tremendous display of musical talents during this quarters performances at CCA
- Participation in collaborative learning opportunities and discussions with colleagues
- Surviving a fire alarm in the middle of a rainstorm :)
- Encouraging creativity in classrooms
- A great response to Ambassador's Club, and a successful first dance
- Coaches helping kids on the field, but also providing mentoring related to classroom efforts
- Teaching teams successfully integrating curriculum
- Staff members taking time to visit with kids in the cafeteria during their lunch
- Working with some of our most challenging students, making headway, and smiling in the process
- Changes to campus policies that have been met with a very positive student response (i.e. hats and lunch-time restrictions)
- An increased number of students taking risks to do the right thing
- Combined efforts to improve the physical environment and cleanliness at Willis
- Overflow crowds at Culinary Club meetings
- Nine students on the Millionaire's Club list for reading over a million words
- Athletic teams that have worked hard and been positive representatives of Willis
- An improving understanding of a new student management system
- A willingness, and ability, to deal with change (even when it isn't fun)
- ...the list could obviously go on and on
You matter!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Monitoring: An Essential Classroom Practice
cc flickr photo by shareski |
We have spent some time discussing learning goals and the importance of helping students develop a clear understanding of what they will be learning, and why it is important. For a quick refresher of what we have discussed, you might review these posts from our professional learning community blog:
While ensuring that students know what they will be learning is important, it is absolutely essential that we monitor lessons/activities to ensure that they are having the intended effect. Without consistent, and ongoing, formative assessment there is no way of knowing if our instructional methods are effective (until it is too late...after summative assessments).
At our upcoming faculty meeting, we will be spending some time examining the concept of monitoring, developing an understanding of the different goals of monitoring, and sharing techniques for ongoing monitoring (and formative assessment) of student learning.
In order to prepare for this Thursday's faculty meeting, please complete the following, brief, activities:
1. Take a few minutes to review this presentation in VoiceThread. As you progress through the slides, you should be able to hear a voice-over with a few of my thoughts about monitoring. You can also zoom in on various portions of the slide by moving the cursor over the presentation. If you have trouble accessing the VoiceThread, you can also view the presentation (without listening to me) HERE.
The VoiceThread does allow comments, either by voice, or by typing (just click on the comment button at the bottom of the slide). If you have any thoughts, or comments, please feel free to add them and engage in a virtual discussion.
2. Read this blog post on the Edutopia: Do You Check for Understanding Often Enough with Students? As you read, please jot down a response to the following:
- What is one quote, or concept, from the article that stood out to you? Why?
- Make a quick list of the formative assessment/monitoring strategies you use to get frequent "snapshots" of student understanding?
- As you consider the idea of frequent formative assessment, what obstacles make this a classroom challenge?
- What questions do you have about monitoring for student understanding?
Please bring your responses to Thursday's meeting and be prepared to discuss.
Thank you for taking the time for collaborative professional development, and modeling the concept of life-long learning.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
What is the Purpose?
Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction. ~ John F. Kennedy
As we continue to work on the implementation of learning goals and scales in our classrooms, I thought I would share a few thoughts about why this is important, and how we might realistically embed these concepts in our daily instructional practice.
First and foremost, is the notion of "purpose." As a staff we have had frequent discussions about purposeful practice, and we have spent time reflecting on our lessons and actions, asking: "what is the purpose?" Knowing why we are doing something helps us develop activities that support our intended outcome, and it adds a sense of relevance to what we are doing.
The purpose, and power, of learning goals and scales has very little to do with how they are posted. We need to be cautious about thinking of them as something on a long list of things to be "checked off" in order to have a good lesson. It is the interactions with these tools (for both teacher's and student's) that will ultimately add value to their value. Marzano's research (as discussed in both Classroom Instruction that Works, and The Art and Science of Teaching) has indicated a clear, and significant, performance gain when students have a clear understanding of what they are learning, and when they frequently reflect on performance and track their progress. In fact, of the fifteen classroom strategies included in Marzano's meta-analysis, setting goals and objectives and tracking student progress and scoring scales had the highest percentile gains.
That being said, we don't see that kind of gain by simply posting a learning goal and scale in our classrooms. There must be purposeful interaction with the instruments. So how do we accomplish this?
1. As you plan lessons, always keep your learning goal in mind. The activities you design should lead students to a better understanding of the concepts identified in the learning goal. If there is not a significant connection, the activity may not be a good use of time. Reconsider. Remember, learning goals aren't just for the kids.
2. Post your learning goal, but be sure to communicate the goal with students. This might include referencing the goal at appropriate times during the period, but feel free to be sneaky about it - it probably shouldn't always come from you. Ask a few students to summarize the goal, include it in your warm-up questions, tie it into a ticket out the door, have kids explain it to each other, etc. The learning goal should be discussed with enough frequency that a majority of students in class could convey the essence of what they are learning (remember, that is the goal).
3. Make connections between your daily activities and the learning goal (see point #1). Students should be able to see how individual classroom activities fit into the learning goal. For example, students who read/discuss the following statement, written on the board, know that they will be analyzing conflicts and writing a new subplot (activities) in an effort to practice understanding and analyzing the elements that contribute to a story (learning goal).
From the classroom of Monica G. |
4. Finally, spend time allowing students to reflect on their progress. This is the purpose of scales. It is also a significant challenge since honest and purposeful reflection does not come easily to junior high students. As you work with students on this skill, start where you want the majority of them to be in the end (a three...if you are using a four point scale). Explain what it takes to get to that point. Have them explain where they think they are. Ask them to consider parts of the learning goal where they might need additional help. This is going to take practice...for students and teachers. [More on scales, later.]
Remember that this is a process. It is going to take time to develop a clear understanding and become comfortable using learning goals and scales. I know there are still many questions, but we will continue to discuss, share, collaborate and learn together!
Feel free to post comments or questions.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
The Little Things
I received two e-mails today that have me thinking. The first was a glowing message from a parent to a team of teachers, thanking them for their efforts with her son. The second was a message, sent by a former student of John P., thanking him for the "kindness and attention" shown to her as a student and recognizing John's role as a mentor in her life. John forwarded this e-mail, to a few colleagues, with the following message:Willis Core Value #5 Willis is a place where doing little things can make a big difference.
I send this to you in the sincerest form of humility to say...."Keep doing what you're doing. If your heart is right and motives sincere we never know the impact we have on our students."
Both of these e-mails are illustrative of the tremendous power of doing little things to recognize the contributions of others. Take a moment to consider a time when you have received a positive note, phone call, or recognition from a student or parent. If you are like me, these are the moments that "float the boat"--they reinforce purpose, renew energy and bring a smile.
Now consider how we might translate the positive experience of a compliment, or words of encouragement, to our students and parents.
Edutopia (a great site to follow) recently ran a post entitled, The Power of the Positive Phone Call Home, by Elena Aguilar. I would encourage you to take a few moments to read the article. This is obviously not an earth shattering new strategy, but a good reminder of how taking a few minutes to share something positive can have a significant impact on classroom climate. Even if you don't read the entire article, consider the challenge issued in the last paragraph:
In the long list of priorities for teachers, communicating good news is usually not at the top. But try it -- just for a week -- try calling a few kid's parents (and maybe not just the challenging ones -- they all need and deserve these calls) and see what happens. The ripple effects for the kid, the class, and the teacher might be transformational.
Sometimes the little things make ALL of the difference.
by J. Delp
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Keep Singing...
Life is a shipwreck [or at least if feels like that sometimes], but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats. ~ Voltaire
If you are like me, you are probably feeling a bit "stretched" right now. In addition to the normal stress and chaos of a new school year, we are tackling a number of new initiatives -- some on our own accord, others without much choice. While I do not subscribe to Voltaire's somber description of life as a shipwreck, I do like the quote for several reasons:
- It recognizes that things are not always easy. Voltaire doesn't need to tell us...right? In fact, right now, some of you may be feeling that challenges and frustrations are the norm.
- It emphasizes the importance of staying positive. Having a negative attitude about things does nothing to improve any challenging situation, in fact, quite the contrary.
- It implies that we are in this together. Collegiality and collaboration are under emphasized, and underutilized, aspects of the educational profession. We need to believe what we tell our kids - working together really is better.
Remember...ask for help when you need it. Offer help when you can give it. Share frustrations, but stay positive. Lean on each other. Most importantly, believe in the difference you are making...
...and have fun!
Sunday, August 5, 2012
A "Flipped" Faculty Meeting
Our first faculty meeting of the school year is scheduled for Thursday, August 9th at 8:00 a.m. in the media center. I am determined, to the extent possible, to make these scheduled times - when we are all together - opportunities for us to collaborate, examine instructional practice, discuss student work and LEARN TOGETHER.
To that end, I would like us to focus on the topic of "Learning Goals and Scales" and do so in a "flipped" fashion. The district has provided a PowerPoint to address these topics, but I do not want to spend valuable time reviewing a presentation. Instead, I am going to ask you to do that BEFORE you come to our professional development session on Thursday. The modified presentation (I deleted a number of slides and added a few of my own) is posted below. I will also send it via e-mail.
Once you have had the opportunity to look over the PowerPoint, please take time to review a few reflection questions on the shared Google Doc (link provided via e-mail), add your thoughts, or comment on any (or all) of the questions, and record any questions you still have about learning goals and scales. Consider this a virtual discussion.
If you feel like you have a decent handle on these concepts, please consider sharing an example via the "Share to Dropbox" link provided by e-mail.
Finally, I would like everyone to bring ONE learning goal to Thursday's session. This should be a goal for something you plan on teaching, but for which you have not yet written (or finalized) a scale. You will be working with this learning goal on Thursday.
To summarize...before Thursday's professional development session:
- Review the PowerPoint presentation - Learning Goals and Scales
- Read over the shared Google Doc (link sent via e-mail); add your thoughts, leave comments and questions
- If you have a good example of a learning goal and associated scale, post it via the e-mailed link
- Bring ONE learning goal - for which you have not written a scale - to Thursday's session
Thanks for modeling the process of life-long learning!
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
More than a Letter Grade
As we consider test scores, and state ratings, it might be tempting to make excuses and dismiss results as unfair and irrelevant. After all, in many respects, the state letter grade is comparing apples to oranges, right? It would also be easy to be pessimistic and discouraged by what we read in the paper. However, neither approach serves the best interest of our students, or school community.
As I have previously mentioned, we have to be data conscious - recognizing that state testing and rank does have an impact on our students, and school, and taking appropriate steps toward improvement. We need to use data (well beyond AIMS results) to determine intervention strategies that will improve our instruction and benefit our students -- not because of a letter grade, but because it is the right thing to do for kids. We must be diligent about improving our instructional practice -- reflective about our teaching, and modeling life-long learning.
Most importantly, we must ensure that we treat every student on our campus as an individual with unique interests, talents, perspectives and immeasurable worth. We are more than a letter grade!
P.S. Be proud of what we have accomplished and determined to continue the momentum :)
Most importantly, we must ensure that we treat every student on our campus as an individual with unique interests, talents, perspectives and immeasurable worth. We are more than a letter grade!
P.S. Be proud of what we have accomplished and determined to continue the momentum :)
Monday, July 30, 2012
Learning Goals and Scales
The flawed notion that progress happens in leaps and bounds is an organizational curse. Real progress starts and ends with teams committed to taking ONE STEP AT AT A TIME, TOGETHER. ~ Unknown
As we begin implementation of the new evaluation instrument and the integration of strategies from The Art and Science of Teaching in our classroom instruction, I thought it might be helpful to share how teachers are approaching the idea of learning goals and scales. I realize that this is a significant shift and I want you to understand that I see this as a "process" that will take time to perfect. Remember, we are trying to hit a home-run, fifty feet at a time.
There are a number of ways that you might approach the posting of a scale. The picture above is an example of a scale, on a small whiteboard, in Mr. Kidder's science class. This scale is set-up to monitor/assess student progress related to the following learning goal:
Students will be able to describe the composition of the Earth's interior.
You will notice that most of the wording in the scale can be used for multiple learning goals (text written in black marker). The information specific to this particular learning goal is written in a different color -- this is the information that will change from one learning goal to another.
Again, this one way you might go about addressing a posted learning goal and scale in your classroom. Please feel free to share your ideas, or alternative suggestions in the comments to this post.
One step at a time...together.
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Modeling Our Core Values
Each person must live their life as a model for others. ~ Rosa Parks
As we move into our second week of school, I would ask that you continue to demonstrate deliberate decision making and consistency in addressing issues that are critical to upholding the core values we are emphasizing within our school community. Many of the issues/concerns that we see on campus, and in our classrooms, can be directly related to one, or more, of the five core value. Please seize upon opportunities to discuss these points with our students and help them develop connections between their actions and the "greater good" for our school community.
I would also encourage you to consider that, as educators, one of the most powerful things we can do is model the actions, behaviors and enthusiasm we expect of our students. It is imperative that we assume the role of leaders when it comes to the values we emphasize -- ensuring that our actions are consistent with our words. This is not an easy task. It requires focus, deliberate practice, and constant reflection. It also requires that we admit when we mess-up, and that we do what is necessary to make things right.
This week, as you interact with our students and parents:
- Be approachable
- Be patient
- Be engaging
- Be encouraging
- Be mindful of your instruction
- What is the purpose?
- Is it a good use of time and resources?
- Is it in the best interest of students?
Have a great week and work diligently to ensure that each one of our students does the same!
Friday, July 20, 2012
You Are a Difference Maker!
cc flickr photo by Krissy.Venosdale |
When our students walk through the front gates on Monday morning, please remember that you are a difference maker! The small gestures you make to welcome students, and demonstrate an interest in their lives, will have an impact. There is tremendous power in a smile, a handshake, or an encouraging word. In the coming year, you will have opportunities to build confidence where it hasn't existed, develop connections that have never been present, and generate hope for students who's academic careers have been marred by hopelessness. All of these are truly super powers!
During yesterday's training, the presenters shared the following quote - a powerful reminder of our ability to make a difference (either positive, or negative).
I’ve come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It’s my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child’s life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or de-humanized. ~ Haim GinotYou should all be proud of the profession you have chosen, the hard work you do on behalf of our students, and the determination with which you address challenges. In the first few days/weeks of school I challenge you to really get to know your students, share a little about yourself, develop meaningful connections, and make decisions based upon what is best for kids.
Thank you for all you do for our school community...your efforts are noticed, and appreciated!
by J. Delp
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Welcome Back!
It was great to see everyone this morning. I know that the summer break always goes by too quickly, but I hope you are excited about the opportunities that a new school year brings. As we focus on our theme for the school year, Creating Connections, I would like to personally challenge you to stretch yourself professionally. Try some new things in the classroom, work to develop a professional learning network, and model the process of learning for our students.
Please feel free to review this morning's "kick-off" presentation, or watch the videos again. You may also view the meeting agenda and notes using this Google Doc link. If you have questions, please ask.
Please feel free to review this morning's "kick-off" presentation, or watch the videos again. You may also view the meeting agenda and notes using this Google Doc link. If you have questions, please ask.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Creating Connections: Every Student Matters
cc image by Krissy Venosdale |
Eventually everything connects - people, ideas, objects. The quality of the connections is the key to quality per se. ~ Charles EamesAs most of you know, this will be the inaugural year for the Willis Connections Class - intended to allow us the opportunity to get to know our kids and ensure that every student on our campus has at least one advocate. There is no shortage of evidence to indicate that school connectedness is linked to improved grades, higher test scores, diminished behavioral issues and reduced drop-out rates. While relationships alone are not sufficient, there is reason to believe that without meaningful connections, the effectiveness of our teaching - and student learning - is dramatically reduced.
There are many strategies we can implement to develop closer connections with our kids, but perhaps the most important thing we can do is model the attitude, behaviors, and passion for learning that we expect from our students - even when we are met with challenges.
To that end, during the 2012-13 school year, we will be focused on learning together and building a connected community. Our goal will be to continue our academic progress while placing a renewed emphasis on the development of positive relationships: student to student, teacher to teacher, student to teacher, student to school, and school to community. We will work tirelessly to uphold the following statement:
Willis is a place where everyone has equal worth...and lots of it.
Our time is valuable and there is no shortage of “new” programs and initiatives that require our attention. In addition to the school initiated Connections Class, we will be working with a new teacher evaluation instrument, a new student information system, and the common core standards. Accomplishing all of this without the help and support of others would be overwhelming, but working TOGETHER - sharing knowledge, experience and encouragement - will pave the way for sucess. This school year, we will be streamlining our meeting process and distribution of information, allowing for an increased amount of time to work collaboratively and learn TOGETHER. We will carefully consider our actions, mindful of the three reflection questions introduced last year: (1) What is the purpose? (2) Is it a good use of time and resources? (3) Does it serve the best interest of students?
As I have said before, the Willis staff is special - we are difference makers. Perhaps the greatest thing we can do for our students, enroute to an enhanced learning experience, is create connections and empower them to believe in themselves.
Kids who think they are going somewhere behave differently than those who believe they are going nowhere. ~ Pedro Noguera
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